
よくある、よく起こる vs. 大衆的、人気がある「COMMON vs. POPULAR」

  1. Something is common when it is found in many places or often occurs; for example, colds and flu in winter and rain in the Amazon.
    多くの場所でよく見かけたり、よくある物事のことを common と言います。例えば、冬に流行るかぜやインフルエンザ、アマゾンに降る雨などです。
  2. Something is popular if many people like it; for example, a hit song, a movie star with many fans, or an amusement park that gets thousands of visitors every day.
    多くの人が好きな物事のことを popular と言います。例えば、ヒット曲、多くのファンがいる映画スター、毎日何千人もの人々が訪れる遊園地などです。

    〈注意〉commonpopularな物もあります。例えば、市内に店舗がたくさんあって (= common)、人気のある (= popular) ファーストフード店などのことです。
  3. Crime isn’t as common in the city as it used to be. I think the new mayor has done a great job.
  4. It’s becoming very common to see people working on their laptops in coffee shops.
  5. A: Linda’s really popular, isn’t she?
    B: Of course. She’s one of the friendliest girls in school.
    A: リンダってすごく人気者だね、そうじゃない?



GIVE (someone) YOUR COLD


If you pass on a cold virus to someone and cause them to catch a cold, you give that person your cold.


Give + 人 + your cold は、誰かに自分のカゼのウイルスがうつったことが原因で、その人にカゼの症状がでる――つまり、誰かにカゼをうつす、という意味です。


  1. (Greeting a friend)
    I’d shake your hand, but I don’t want to give you my cold.
  2. I’m sure Aunt Margaret gave me her cold. She was sneezing and sniffling when I visited her over the weekend.
  3. You’re not going to school unless you wear a mask. Do you want to give everyone in your class your cold?