
Life Skill Seminar ライフスキル・セミナー

ライフスキル・セミナー (言語:英語)



場所:Trinity@Paya Lebar, 247 Paya Lebar Road S(409045)




躾け- 愛しているからこその“躾け”。しかし、それが親子関係の中に感情のしこりを残すこともあります。

Restorative Practice (RP) -「回復的実践」によって、親子の関係修復を助けます。


ベリンダ・チャールズ先生は、教育に生涯を捧げた方です。引退前は、St Andrews中学部の校長をされていました。


携帯SMS:84814277または、84814273に、CR と送信してください。追って登録完了のメッセージが返信されますので、ご確認ください。
または、ホームページ:>Develop>Life Skills Seminars からお申込みください。



Life Skill Seminar


Date & Time: Sun, Aug 25th 2:30 – 5:30pm
Venue: Trinity@Paya Lebar, 247 Paya Lebar Road S(409045)
*Course fee is waived


Taking the Damage out of Discipline
Discipline. We do it in love but often it leaves both parent and child feeling lousy.
This awful feeling, if accumulated, can sometimes lead to parent and child being estranged. But it doesn’t need to be so.

Discover the methods found in Restorative Practice (RP) that will help you restore your relationship with your child.
Be equipped to take the damage out of discipline and instead build strong lasting bonds!


About the Speaker:
Belinda Charles is devoted to the field of education. Before retirement, she served as the Principal of St. Andrew’s Secondary School. Today, she is a part-time lecturer at the National Institute Education (NIE) and a part-time trainer with the Academy of Principals (Singapore), where she trains educators in the areas of leadership and mentoring.
She thrives in helping others see and develop in their fullest potential.